Results for 'Wanda A. Bieda'

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    Sekimon Shingaku.Wanda A. Bieda - 1978 - [Brisbane]: Dept. of Japanese, University of Queensland.
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    Beyond Down and Dirty: From Good to Great Sex1.Theresa A. Yugar, Marcelle Williams, Alicia Besa Panganiban, Patricia Beattie Jung, Mary E. Hunt, Wanda Deifelt & Brandy Daniels - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (2):119-149.
    The AAR-SBL Women’s Caucus session on ‘Beyond Down and Dirty: From Good to Great Sex’ revisited the Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions project and book with the participation of two of its co-editors, Mary E. Hunt and Patricia Beattie Jung, and co-author and collaborator, Wanda Defeilt. Scholar colleagues, Brandy Daniels, Fitri Junoes, and Alicia Besa Panganiban, presented intriguing papers on feminist religious and ethical reflections on what constitutes great sex as they examined the issues discussed by (...)
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    No Place for a Feminist: Intersectionality and the Problem South: SWS Presidential Address.Wanda Rushing - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (3):293-309.
    Perceptions of the American South as being no place for a feminist continue to affect and inform decisions about research and activism in the region. By taking a closer look at Memphis and the American South, and by questioning longstanding assumptions, stereotypes, and omissions about the region, we create additional opportunities for further discussion about the complexities of feminism, intersectionality, and place. I challenge two common assumptions about the South. The first is the assumption that southern feminists are rare, or (...)
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    [Recensão a] Soares, Lucas - Enseñar filosofía o filosofía del enseñar: acerca de Platón y la política.Esteban Bieda - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:153-156.
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    ¿Es la ἀκρασία posible en las "Leyes"? Derivas platónicas en torno a un problema socrático1.Esteban Bieda - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 43 (2):183-200.
    La filosofía política platónica está atravesada por una marcada preocupación epistemológica, sobre cuya base Platón adopta el así llamado “intelectualismo socrático”, lo cual implica un rechazo tajante del actuar incontinente o _akrasía_. En el presente trabajo intentaremos mostrar que el propio Platón llevó adelante una revisión de dicha posición, ante todo debido a un cambio profundo en su concepción de la naturaleza humana en el diálogo _Leyes_.
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  6. a: Philippe van Thieghem: Les influences étrangères sur la litterature francaise-in.Wanda-ree Rupolo - 1962 - Humanitas 3:283-285.
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    María Zambrano: la passione della figlia.Wanda Tommasi - 2007 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    (1 other version)Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach.Wanda Teays - 2015 - Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach_ examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case studies. Engages readers in learning about ethical theory by using movies and both national and international case studies in business as the vehicle for analysis and reflection Facilitates comprehension of ethical issues by showing how characters in films confront issues, make choices, and face the consequences Draws from (...)
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    An Examination of the Influence of Diversity and Stakeholder Role on Corporate Social Orientation.Wanda J. Smith, Richard E. Wokutch, K. Vernard Harrington & Bryan S. Dennis - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (3):266-294.
    This article examines the extent to which diversity characteristics and stakeholder role influence individuals’ corporate social orientation (CSO). Our findings indicate that one’s relationship to the organization as well as diversity, gender, and race influence one’s CSO. Specifically, we found that employees’ greatest concern was economic whereas customers had a stronger ethical orientation. The results also suggest that women as well as Black employees and customers place more emphasis on whether an organization is fulfilling its discretionary responsibilities than do males (...)
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    Being a patient among other patients: Refugees' political inclusion through the Austrian solidarity‐based healthcare system.Wanda Spahl - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):120-129.
    This paper is an empirical study of what solidarity in a Western European healthcare system means today. Drawing upon empirical research on the 2015 refugee cohort's health needs and their health-seeking behaviour, it unites claims from the literature on solidarity in the fields of migration and healthcare. I argue that the Austrian healthcare system not only is an example of ‘civic solidarity’ in the form of institutionalised obligations to citizens but that it also enacts political forms of solidarity and produces (...)
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    Subject-subject relationship as a significant aspect of personal development in adulthood.Wanda Zagórska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (4):181-187.
    Subject-subject relationship as a significant aspect of personal development in adulthood The issue of the subject-subject relationship, also known as the relationship of encounter or the I-Thou relationship, which has a strong presence in the humanities and Christian mysticism, is rarely addressed by psychology. This type of relationship goes beyond the psychosocial approach to personal maturity and human development at the so-called higher stages, thus falling outside the predominant lines of psychological inquiry. Consequently, this paper concerns issues that are not (...)
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  12. VCCS Task Force on Teacher Preparation: A Continuing Endeavor.Wanda Smith - 2000 - Inquiry (ERIC) 5 (2):76-78.
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    Discovering subjectivity: A subjective world of meanings in the stories of the twilight of life.Wanda Zagórska - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (1):51-65.
    Pointing to the subjective nature of human life, theorists argue that only in a dialogue with another person does the human disclose meanings important to him or her. The interpretation and analysis of stories with regard to the included subjective meanings included in them as manifestations of human subjectivity seem to be the most effective when undertaken in the hermeneutic approach where psychology and philosophy meet. In the paper advantages of a self-narrative method based on the principles of hermeneutic psychology (...)
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    Unfit Subjects: Education Policy and the Teen Mother, 1972-2002.Wanda S. Pillow - 2004 - Routledge.
    Wanda Pillow presents a critical analysis of federal law and polciy towards pregnant teens, representations of teen pregnancy in popular culture and educational policy assesses how schools provide educational opportunities for school aged mothers. Through in- depth analysis of specific policies and programmes, both past and present, thsi book traces America's successes and failures in educating pregnant teens. Unfit Subjects uses feminist, race and poststructural theories to inform a satisfactory educational policy.
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  15. How to Solve the Social Norm Conflict Dilemma of Green Consumption: The Moderating Effect of Self-Affirmation.Wanda Ge, Guanghua Sheng & Hongli Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Social norms are important social factors that affect individual behavioral change. Using social norms to promote green consumption is receiving increasing attention. However, due to the different formation processes and mechanisms of the behavioral influence of the different types of social norms, using social norms to promote green consumption often has social norm conflict situations. Thus, it is difficult to attain the maximum utility of social norms. The present research found that social norm conflict weakens the role of injunctive norms (...)
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  16. Elenchos, intelectualismo y verguënza en el Gorgias de Platón.Esteban Bieda - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 14:77-91.
    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos destacar un aspecto del élenkhos socrático que denominaremos “abordaje práctico”, marco en el que intentaremos resaltar el compromiso situacional y emocional de la refutación socrática que, tal como se halla bien atestiguado en el Gorgias de Platón, supone el contexto de una conversación efectiva entre dos interlocutores frente a terceros. A su vez, este abordaje se revelará “práctico” también en la medida en que, según intentaremos mostrar, guarda una relación estrecha con el “Intelectualismo socrático” (...)
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    Organizational Attractiveness and Corporate Social Orientation: Do Our Values Influence Our Preference for Affirmative Action and Managing Diversity?Wanda J. Smith, Richard E. Wokutch, K. Vernard Harrington & Bryan S. Dennis - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (1):69-96.
    This study examines the impact of corporate social orientation on organizational attractiveness as it relates to information about an organization’s handling of diversity issues. Using Aupperle’s notion of corporate social orientation (CSO), we examined how CSO affects perceived attractiveness of organizations’ emphasizing affirmative action versus diversity management policies in their recruitment literature. Respondents to a survey of 343 college students reported a more favorable assessment of affirmative action programs than diversity management programs. In addition, the legal dimension of CSO was (...)
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  18.  21
    ¿Es Leoncio un incontinente? Ira y apetito en la República de Platón.Esteban Bieda - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):127-150.
    Conminado por su deseo apetitivo de mirar unos cadáveres en descomposición, Leoncio no puede resistir y, encolerizado, cede a la tentación (República 439e-440a). El episodio pretende mostrar que la impulsividad y el apetito constituyen dos partes distintas del alma. La pregunta es: si no hay intervención de la racionalidad, ¿según qué parámetro el thymós considera que mirar los cadáveres es algo que no se debe hacer? Si, como creen algunos especialistas, el thymós actúa según un marco axiológico aportado por lo (...)
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    The Conundrum of Children in the US Health Care System.Wanda K. Mohr & Sheila Suess Kennedy - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):196-210.
    One area in which children’s rights are rarely considered in the USA is that of autonomy over their bodies. This right is routinely ignored in the arena of health care decision making. Children are routinely excluded from expressing their opinions involving medical decisions that affect them. This article discusses the complex reasons why children’s voices are typically not heard in the USA, the consequences of their disempowerment, and the ethical obligations of health care providers to advocate for the rights of (...)
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    Unintelligibility in Heidegger.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:57-61.
    In his Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (GA 65), Heidegger claims: "Making itself intelligible is the suicide of philosophy" (435). He defines intelligibility in terms of the modern metaphysical forms of thinking and speaking about beings as objects of representation. Moreover, intelligibility involves a uniform accessibility for the inauthentic. anybody of an age marked by thoughtlessness. Thus, Heidegger upholds and tries to adhere to a principle of unintelligibility for the thinkers in the crossing from the first beginning to the other (...)
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    “Le debemos un gallo a Asclepio”. El canto político del cisne socrático.Esteban Bieda - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:125-138.
    Mucho se ha escrito acerca del significado de las últimas palabras de Sócrates en el Fedón: “Critón, debemos un gallo a Asclepio. Pues bien, ¡páguenselo! Y no se descuiden…”. En el presente trabajo nos proponemos retomar el enigma de la deuda con Asclepio a fin de rescatar cierto matiz político presente en él. Para ello, tras reseñar brevemente las principales interpretaciones que se han dado en el último siglo, nos detendremos en la concepción socrática del nacimiento y de la vida (...)
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    Le passage des frontières: Impulses, Overtures...(A Postscript).Wanda Dressler - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (2):91-96.
    This text lays out the purpose of the current issue on shifting borders and identities. It places this question in the context of the formation of macro-regional blocs and the end of bipolarization. It moves towards showing the repercussions of this context for the functioning of border zones and the identities they have fashioned over the long period of modern history. The article aims to reveal the emergence of the dogmatism of the religion of capital beneath the new faces of (...)
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  23. To be the truth is the only true explanation of what truth is : Gilleleie and the twenty-first century.Wanda Warren Berry - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell (eds.), Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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  24. The screenic image : between verticality and horizontality, viewing and touching, displaying and playing.Wanda Strauven - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Show Me a Class That’s Got a Good Movie, Show Me.Wanda Teays - 2017 - Teaching Ethics 17 (1):115-126.
    In this essay I offer some suggestions for integrating film in an Ethics classes and reaching your goals in terms of learning and student outcomes. You can easily adapt them to other areas of Philosophy— not just Ethics. Starting with Aristotle’s Poetics as a tool for deconstructing movies, I set out five strategies for teaching Ethics through film: start with a film or ethical theory; start with a real-world case or an ethics code; then use any of these four in (...)
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  26. Forma Dei-Forma Servi. A Study of Thomas Aquinas' Use of Philippians 2: 6-7.Wanda Cizewski - 1989 - Divus Thomas 92 (1-2):3-32.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunctive Non-opioid Analgesic for Pre-dominantly Latin American Children With Large Severe Burn Wounds During Burn Wound Cleaning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.Hunter G. Hoffman, Robert A. Rodriguez, Miriam Gonzalez, Mary Bernardy, Raquel Peña, Wanda Beck, David R. Patterson & Walter J. Meyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues.Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Editors Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon, and Alison Dundes Renteln have assembled the works of an interdisciplinary, international team of experts in bioethics into a comprehensive, innovative and accessible book. Topics covered range from torture and lethal injection to euthanasia, sex selection, vulnerable human subjects, to health equity, safety and public health, and environmental disasters like Bhopal, Fukushima, and more.
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    Gorgias en el Banquete de Platón. Ecos del Encomio de Helena en el discurso de Agatón.Esteban Bieda - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (2):213-242.
    After Agathon's speech in Plato's Symposium, Socrates takes a little time to make some comments about it. One of these comments is that the speech brought Gorgias to his memory (198 c 2-5). In this article we intend to track down in three complementary levels the diverse reasons why this recollection took place: (A) regarding the form of the speech, we will try to show that there is an equivalence in how both Gorgias in his Encomium to Helen and the (...)
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    Cambiar las políticas de memoria.Wanda Wechsler - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (20):e052.
    En los últimos cuatro años, el gobierno de Cambiemos ha realizado un giro en las políticas de memoria y de educación en Argentina. Extendiendo a nivel nacional ciertas políticas ya presentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el triunfo de Mauricio Macri en el gobierno nacional y la asunción de Claudio Avruj a la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos y Pluralismo Cultural, se visibilizó a través de acciones y discursos una transformación del área. El presente artículo analiza este giro del (...)
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    Seeing the Light: Exploring Ethics Through Movies.Wanda Teays - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Seeing the Light: Exploring Ethics Through Movies_ is an engaging and innovative approach to the study of philosophy and the development of moral reasoning skills. Features broad coverage of topics in ethics and moral reasoning Offers an innovative and imaginative approach to showing relevance of movies for ethical reflection Draws on a diverse selection of popular movies, foreign films, and documentaries to illustrate ethical dilemmas and character development on the big screen that has application to our lives Presents coverage of (...)
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    Repenser le droit: hommage à André-Jean Arnaud.André Jean Arnaud, Wanda Capeller, Jacques Commaille & Laure Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, une marque de lextenso.
    Rendre hommage à un auteur, ce n'est pas seulement célébrer ce qu'il fut mais c'est aussi alerter sur ce que son oeuvre apporte au présent et à l'avenir de la connaissance. C'est bien le sens donné à cet hommage à André-Jean Arnaud. Repenser le droit, c'était pou r cet auteur érudit : repenser les lieux, les conditions et les façons de l'étudier en dépassant les frontières géographiques en même temps que les frontières disciplinaires. En montrant en quoi André-Jean Arnaud fut, (...)
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    Bioethics and human rights: contemporary issues at home and abroad.Wanda Teays & Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.) - 2023 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This third edition anthology provides a contemporary survey of current international issues for study across social science disciplines. New chapters discuss the reproductive justice in the US, immigration politics and medical duty during pandemics, climate change implications for bioethics, acoustic weaponry technologies, and vaccine politics.
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    Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    _Aims to transform logic into a reflection on the nature of language._.
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  35. Extinguishing desire : not a simple plan at all.Wanda Teays - 2009 - In John-Stewart Gordon, Michael Boylan, Robert Paul Churchill, James A. Donahue, Marcus Duwell, Dale Jacquette, Tanja Kohen, Christopher Lowry, Seumas Miller, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Johann-Christian Poder, Edward H. Spence, Udo Schuklenk, Wanda Teays & Rosemarie Tong (eds.), Morality and Justice: Reading Boylan's a Just Society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
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    Slave Emotion. Anger, Reason and Moral Responsibility in Aristotelian Ethics.Esteban Bieda - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03322-03322.
    In the present work, I will review how Aristotle understood the connection between reason and emotion - particularly, angry actions - in order to demonstrate that it is due to the presence of intellectual factors that emotions become ethically relevant and not merely an uncontrolled reaction. Then, I will summarize Aristotle's repeated analogies between reason as the master and anger as the slave to explain their connection. My specific contribution to the topic will be to reverse this analogy and, instead (...)
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    Morality and Justice: Reading Boylan's a Just Society.John-Stewart Gordon, Michael Boylan, Robert Paul Churchill, James A. Donahue, Marcus Duwell, Dale Jacquette, Tanja Kohen, Christopher Lowry, Seumas Miller, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Johann-Christian Poder, Edward H. Spence, Udo Schuklenk, Wanda Teays & Rosemarie Tong (eds.) - 2009 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    The essays in this book engage the original and controversial claims from Michael Boylan's A Just Society. Each essay discusses Boylan's claims from a particular chapter and offers a critical analysis of these claims. Boylan responds to the essays in his lengthy and philosophically rich reply.
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  38.  21
    Gorgias, the eighth orator. Gorgianic echoes in Agathon’s Speech in the Symposium.Esteban Bieda - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 253-262.
    After Agathon’s speech in Plato’s Symposium, Socrates takes a little time to make some comments about it. One of these comments is that the speech brought Gorgias to his memory (198c2–5). In this paper we intend to track down in three complementary levels the diverse reasons why this recollection took place: (A) regarding the form of the speech, we will try to show that there is an equivalence in how both Gorgias in his Encomium to Helen and the character of (...)
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  39. Searching for Sacajawea: Whitened Reproductions and Endarkened Representations.Wanda Pillow - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (2):1-19.
    Pillow's aim is to demonstrate how representations of Sacajawea have shifted in writings about the Lewis and Clark expedition in ways that support manifest destiny and white colonial projects. This essay begins with a general account of Sacajawea. The next section uses two novels to make the case that shifts in the representation of this important historical figure serve similar purposes. There is some attention to white suffragist representations, but the central contrast is between manifest destiny and multiculturalism. The final (...)
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  40. La voluntad de la emoción. Cólera y pensamiento en la concepción aristotélica de la voluntariedad práctica.Esteban Bieda - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94:23-37.
    Es harto conocido el análisis aristotélico de las distintas clases de acción humana en función de su voluntariedad e involuntariedad en Ética nicomaquea III, 1. Algo que suele llamar la atención de los especialistas es la inclusión de las acciones emocionales entre las voluntarias. En el presente trabajo intentaré dar cuenta de las razones para dicha inclusión, argumentando que surgen del marco racional que orienta la acción emocional, marco en función del cual Aristóteles puede catalogarlas como voluntarias. The Aristotelian analysis (...)
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  41. Between Empires and Europe: The Tragic Fate of Moldova.Wanda Dressler - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (2):29-49.
    This article is the story of the partition of Moldova into two republics after the short war of the Dniestr in 1992. It is for the most part a narrative drawing on field notes gathered in June 1993 from witnesses and actors in the drama. Its consequences have relegated Moldova, a flourishing soviet republic well known for its high-quality wines and its specialized industrial products within a large military-industrial complex, to the rank of one of the poorest post-soviet entities, struggling (...)
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    Entre empires et Europe le destin tragique de la Moldavie.Wanda Dressler - 2005 - Diogène 210 (2):34-58.
    Résumé Cet article se veut une chronique de la partition de la Moldavie en deux républiques après la brève guerre du Dniestr de 1992. Il s’agit principalement d’un récit établi à partir de notes de terrain recueillies en juin 1993 auprès de témoins et acteurs de ce drame. Ses conséquences ont relégué la Moldavie, florissante république soviétique, bien connue pour ses vins de qualité et ses produits industriels spécifiques au sein d’un grand complexe militaro-industriel, au rang de l’une des plus (...)
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    Le passage des Frontières : élans, ouvertures….Wanda Dressler - 2005 - Diogène 210 (2):108-115.
    Résumé Ce texte explicite l’objectif du présent numéro sur les frontières et les identités mouvantes. Il situe cette interrogation dans le contexte de la constitution de blocs macro-régionaux et de la fin de la bipolarité. Il tend à montrer les incidences d’un tel contexte sur le fonctionnement des zones frontalières et celui des identités qu’elles ont forgées au cours du temps long de l’histoire moderne. Cet article voudrait mettre en évidence l’émergence du dogmatisme de la religion du capital sous les (...)
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    Querer, poder y fortuna en el Encomio de Helena de Gorgias.Esteban Enrique Bieda - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0078.
    El Encomio de Helena (EH) de Gorgias tiene como objetivo relevar todas las causas posibles que podrían haber llevado a Helena a viajar junto con Alejandro hacia Troya. Dado que la intención de Gorgias es eximir a Helena de responsabilidad, el texto recorre minuciosamente cada uno de los motivos que pudieron haber provocado el viaje. En el presente trabajo intentaré mostrar que, prestando atención a estas distintas alternativas, es posible ver, en primer lugar, que en todos los casos se trata (...)
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    Body–Soul and the Birth and Death of Man: Benedict Hesse’s Opinion in the Mediaeval Discussion.Wanda Bajor - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):39-63.
    This issue was discussed with regard to chosen commentaries to Aristotle’s treatise De anima, formed in the so-called via moderna mainstream, in particular those of John Buridan, Nicole Oresme and Laurentius of Lindores. In such a context, the Cracovian commentaries referring to Parisian nominalists were presented by those of Benedict Hesse and Anonymus. The analyses carried out above allow one to ascertain that although William of Ockham’s opinion questioning the possibility of knowledge of the soul in the field of philosophy, (...)
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    Aristóteles, el socrático. Algunos límites de la crítica aristotélica al intelectualismo socrático.Esteban Bieda - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 35:40-67.
    Resumen Es por demás conocida la crítica que Aristóteles presenta en el libro VII de Ética nicomaquea al así llamado "intelectualismo socrático", según el cual nadie actúa de modo tal que su acción resulte en un mal a sabiendas, es decir, voluntariamente. Si algo así ocurriere, se explicaría porque el agente ignoraba que estaba haciendo un mal. Aristóteles objeta, como es sabido, la incompatibilidad que tal teoría presenta con losAristotelian criticism of the so called "Socratic intellectualism" in Nicomaquean Ethics VII (...)
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    La filosofía práctica y el método dialéctico aristotélicos: ¿Es la argumentación práctica una especie de dialéctica?Esteban Bieda - 2003 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 15 (2):193-215.
    Es sabido que Aristóteles suele comenzar la mayor parte de sus investigaciones con un relevamiento de posiciones y/o concepciones previas relativas al tema a tratar. En el presente trabajo trataremos de mostrar que tanto las referencias a autores anteriores como a las opiniones corrientes sobre el tema tratado responden a las exigencias de cierto proceder metódico que las necesita como elementos constitutivos. Nuestra tarea concreta consistirá en intentar develar el valor metódicoepistemológico de los pasajes dedicados tanto a la opinión de (...)
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    Book Review: A few months to live: different paths to life’s end. [REVIEW]Wanda K. Mohr - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):225-225.
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    Violence Against Women: Philosophical Perspectives.Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays & Laura Martha Purdy (eds.) - 1998 - Cornell University Press.
    This is the first anthology to take a theoretical look at violence against women. Each essay shows how philosophy provides a powerful tool for examining a difficult and deep-rooted social problem. Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays, and Laura M. Purdy, all philosophers, present a familiar phenomenon in a new and striking fashion. The editors employ a two-tiered approach to this vital issue. Contributors consider both interpersonal violence, such as rape and battering; and also systemic violence, such as sexual harassment, (...)
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    Conceptualising the Reconstruction of Identities in the Postcommunist Countries.Wanda Dressler - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):5-15.
    In this article I propose to explore the meanings, mechanisms and issues at stake in the reconstitution of identities which can now be seen taking place in the countries of the post-communist space. We shall consider this space not as a thing in itself, but in terms of its old and new interactions with the countries of western Europe, in order to understand the phenomena of reconstructed identities in general, in the context of their relationship to the period of globalisation (...)
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